
My photo
an idealist & optimist obsessed with rain, currently trying to focus on studies (UN menanti: April!), yet still known as someone who can't talk & laugh silently and infrequently :) one more. currently in love ♥


what's bugging me is

it's not that i'm being selfish.

apa susahnya sih sekali2 ngertiin orang lain? please, nggak selalu segampang itu ngertiin orang.

for me, it took years to finally get through your head. to actually know you. to be able to understand your ways of thinking.

after all those years, this is the thanks i get?


di saat semua orang berusaha memahamimu, kau hanya diam membisu.

you put up your best walls, surrounding your head. your mind. your thoughts.

you didn't even care when we were trying to understand you, trying to help you.

tau gak, kalo bukan karena kita, YOU WOULDN'T HAVE EVEN GOT HERE.

i did everything i could for you. everything.

you asked to be heard? done.

you wanted to borrow some money? done.

you wanted a friend? done.

tapi kayaknya seorang temen doang nggak cukup deh buat kamu.

kamu masih minta lagi.

ternyata dua orang temen yang selalu ada buat kamu nggak memuaskan kamu, ya.

you wanted more.

tapi bukannya kamu emang gitu, ya?

without meaning to be harsh, but you never actually appreciated what was in front you.

but i was naive at that time.

aku kenalin kamu ke temenku. one of my bestfriends at that time.

awalnya aku seneng banget, two of my bestest friends are becoming best friends.

tapi untuk yang ini, kayaknya aku salah langkah deh.

karena sekarang buktinya kamu udah lupa sama kita.

dan sekarang apa yg aku dapat?

kamu, dan dia ninggalin aku.


dan dia, yang baru setaun udah bisa jadi alasanmu buat ngelupain aku?

well, thankyou.

at least i'm no longer friends with a backstabbing son of a bitch.

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